
I'm off work today but after having fallen asleep whilst watching Craftsy class videos yesterday (not for the first time, I am like an old lady) I was up bright and early as usual for a weekday. By 8am I have spent over an hour sorting out my fabric scraps into colour. It's been long awaited. But look what I found in there right at the bottom...lightning bug heather rossYep that's a bit of Heather Ross Lightning Bugs dog print and I have no recollection of where this is from... Anyone want it? I'm looking to swap for a small piece of the goldfish print, an 8"x8" square is ideally what I'm after for a future project as I've still not found any, but a smaller piece is good too and probably more of a balanced swap since this is a weird shape. Just let me know if you want to trade.DSCF5664So my drawers are all tidy now- I need to be able to find my greens quickly for the plan I have for the Forest QAL. I could do with some more of those Ikea divider thingys but the bags are kind of working for now.DSCF5661Yesterday the brown cometh! I ordered some modern brown fabrics from Pink Castle (and some greens as I'm a bit low on those too) for the brown modern quilt. I'm back to not really knowing what to do with these again because I've gone off my original idea but I'm sure inspiration will come back.  Here's the total stack of browns I'll be using...DSCF5653And then this morning my delivery from The Village Haberdashery's 50% discount flash sale came through the letterbox.DSCF5660The big piece of Cosmos will be to make a dress, the other two are just for my stash and I missed out on the Tula Pink fabric I added to my cart because so many people went sale mad, it took ages for me to checkout so I'm pretty pleased I got what I did!Oh and I almost forgot, my quilt came back from the show and I got my judges marks too. Much kinder than FoQ so I've photographed them, put them here and thrown them away now. I got a few Excellents and only one "needs attention" for the way it hung which I think was very generous of the other two judges because it was awful. One judge didn't give me anything less than good for any of it and I didn't even have to pay them. If anyone has any advice for squaring up quilt tops, please let me know, I really need work in that area!DSCF5666 DSCF5667 DSCF5668


It's Pin it Forward Day in the UK


A long stitchy bank holiday