A long stitchy bank holiday

Wow over 450 giveaway entries? Wow. Thanks to all of you, and special thanks if you're one of the people who are still here but I've not emailed to say thanks because I kind of lost track.Right then. This weekend I made the flying geese border on Nan's quilt top for the borders bee. I can't really show you it though as it would kind of give the game away for the answer to my giveaway question! A few of you are close, and more of you are waaaay off that's all I'm saying...So what can I show you.... not the cushion for the magazine, nope, I don't know if I'm allowed to... How about this bee block for Laura as part of a Quilt Together swap on Popular Patchwork?It's log cabin month and this was my take on it. Laura's colours are blue/purple and yellow. I hope she likes it.DSCF5651I also bought this awesome fabric from the Fabric Guild. I just couldn't say no to graphic dalmatian print.DSCF5649I did another column on Wallander too and I'm now partway into column 5. I know I said I wouldn't keep sharing the whole thing over and over but this is one thing I CAN actually show you, so I'm going to.We went to the most amazing authentic 50s diner in a grotty lorry park location on Sunday. It was AWESOME. They actually shipped the trailer over from Massachusetts and there's only 4 in the whole of the UK. Great music, great atmosphere and fully booked until Christmas pretty much. You have to book to go apparently but we managed to get in for some chips and a milkshake (best ever on both counts) mid afternoon with only a short wait at the bar. When I got to work today and talked about it, Jo who sits in my office said she tried to go on Saturday late afternoon and was turned away! I want to go back again soon...Yeah, I did.




Giveaway Day!