It's Pin it Forward Day in the UK

PIF Badge 150Have you been using Pinterest? I've been using it for a couple of years now to bookmark my favourite tutorials on the internet or designs that inspire me, or just pictures of puppies I like to go back and look at to cheer me up :)pinterest2Though you've always been able to sign up in the UK, they've made improvements specifically for UK pinners to make it easier to find content that's more local and relevant. Those who have been lucky enough to already be using Pinterest will notice there's a new design which makes the layout a lot prettier to browse (yes even prettier) as a result. So today is Pin it Forward Day, there are a few of us bloggers that have been selected to spread the word about this and I'm pleased to say that my Crafts Tutorials board is one of the boards that will be recommended to new users as a board to follow. So that's pretty exciting!If you don't know what Pinterest is and you're curious, you can “pin” things from around the web onto boards you create, on any topic you’d like. It's sort of like an online scrapbook, or social bookmarking with pictures. You can follow other people's accounts or just one-off boards (I'm here by the way) and repin recipes, humourous images, graphic design, whatever you like that you see and save them to your own boards for future reference.pinterestHere's my Craft Tutorials board (above), amazingly I have 1001 pins on there and over 800 followers on that board, over 1200 for my account overall which I am really astounded by. I'm not going to lie I don't think I'm going to get around to making all 999 things on there, especially since I add new stuff all the time!If you don’t have an account yet, you can start pinning by using this registration link!***Who's next? Blogging about Pinterest tomorrow is Kate Wyver, another UK blogger. Why not check out her blog too? -~-


Giveaway Winner (and lots of biscuits for Fletcher)

