Trying something new

No not another sewing project! I've turned my hand to a bit of article writing instead of always making projects for magazines. I have another in the queue and one being written (albeit incredibly slowly), but on Friday my very first one will be out!DSCF8653 DSCF8655I'm a subscriber to Popular Patchwork so I get my copies early. I can tell you there is a three page spread about the excellent East Midlands Modern Quilt Group in their March issue. It was probably the easiest thing I've ever written. If you're in the East Midlands area you are welcome to come down for a meeting and see if you want to join, our next date is Valentine's Day! Drop me a line if you want to know more.Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 09.52.31Oh also, yesterday I got some awesome news- I won first place in the Electric Quilt blog's latest design competition and I've won a FQ bundle, jelly roll and charm pack of Moda's (and most importantly my favourite design house Basic Grey's) Fresh Cut range that is out imminently, plus an EQ with Me book and a EQ Stash download. Happy me :) I may even use my bundle to make my block I designed into something for real!


Already wishing for the weekend (and a Hank update)


Mysterious close-ups