Mysterious close-ups

DSCF8652I'm in danger of not blogging over the next week or so while I finish a last minute project and it would be unsporting of me to reveal it just yet. So here's some mysterious close ups of the fabrics and shapes in the top I've been working on this past week and a bit....DSCF8645DSCF8647It's been a healthy one this one as it's used up some FQs in my stash to make room for some more fabric sat around not yet shelved.DSCF8648Just got to make 12 more blocks, piece together, possibly piece a back depending on what I have, and baste, quilt and bind it, plus photograph more of the process, make templates and write up the tutorial within 10 days! If I go quiet, that is why.Linking up with WIP Wednesday...


Trying something new


English Country Garden BOM - Block 11 - Marigold