Friday Life Recap

I've not been blogging (or Instagramming) as much lately, mostly because I've been doing other boring work that helps to pay the bills and not really sewing much. Work has been busy and will get busier next week and I'm finding myself falling asleep in front of the TV in the evenings. Once I have a last minute project written and in the post (Saturday?), I'll be much happier, freer, and I should easily sneak a bit of sewing in over the weekend.DSCF6058This week however, I have made these notebooks. When I say made, I mean covered- I didn't bind them! One is destined to be a prize for something, the other two are going in my Etsy shop ASAP.DSCF6056I've made a little bit more progress on the brown quilt, and that's my next quilt target to finish. I say that because the third and last thing on my finish along list for the quarter ain't happenin'. Not in time anyway.Other news that you may or may not care about, please click away now if you're of the latterly minded...Personal kind of stuff

I've developed a pretty nasty allergy to PPD, an aggressive- and probably carcinogenic- chemical in hair dye. I already knew I had an allergy which I could sort of deal with when I used red colourants and put some bicarbonate of soda in the mix, but black is a lot more aggressive and my scalp is burnt, weeping and swelling off my skull right now. The inside of my ears are swollen and making everything harder to hear, my forehead looks like Nick Cave's crossed with Frankenstein's monster's, I feel, headachy, sick and dizzy with it... When I turn my head it feels like the skin on my head stays still and everything else moves. I went to the not-so-local-but-the-docs-won't-make-me-an-appointment walk-in centre yesterday evening and along with the anti-histamines I am already taking I also have a  steroid cream so lets see if that works. When I woke up this morning my eye had nearly healed over (above) so I've been back to the doctors this morning and got some steroids that he'd rather I didn't take because of the potential side effects. Ideally I should just accept being blind in one eye for a week. NOPE! Guess I only have the choice between being a redhead or a greyhead now (or a weepy swelly head). Just needed to moan!

On the other hand, Fletcher is doing well this week, no bloody puddles so far but he tends to leave the clots and scariness to the weekend when the vets are closed so we shall see what happens. He is still highly strung when he hears squeaky toys in the park and has murderous intentions for the local hedgehogs so there's no change in character yet. I've just finished a one way conversation with him about how dogs don't like coffee. However, he was so relaxed at a friend's house on their lovely cream rug last weekend (salivating over their chinchillas and working out a way to get at them) that he laid there and wet himself which was massively embarrassing since said friend had only moved in to the brand-spanking-new house a week previous. This has never ever happened before so we're monitoring that.

 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASpot the difference!

A week on Saturday we're (including Fletch) going to see a girl brindle greyhound called Daisy in South Wales. From her picture she looks just like Penny but chubbier and she is either 7 or 8 (conflicting reports but I'll get her birthdate from her ear tats). Because of the similarities it was a no brainer, and we do love the oldies! We are thinking of possibly changing her name though, and currently Emily, Sarah or Astrid seem to be in the lead, because OH won't let me call her Brenda or Pearl. If she likes us she'll be moving in when we get back off our hols at the end of October.Crafty kind of stuff

I have a new blog in the works for a new long term quilt project- think around 2 years- I'm about to embark on. I'll let you know when I've made my first post which will explain everything and have the first block done. It will be very soon, hopefully this weekend. I decided to create a separate blog for it so that if you don't actually care about that project being talked about every time I do a block, it's not going to affect your blog reading over here. Apart from the first block and the finished posts. Picture above is a massive clue...

I'm working on an Illustrator online course extremely slowly and I have a range of simple fabric patterns in my head that I plan to approach manufacturers with in the next few months so I could do with drawing them "properly", plus I have a quilt to make for OH to end the sorrow of selling the Really Big George quilt that hung on the wall, there's our holiday in Toronto next month, a couple more articles to write and I plan to go on a sewing machine servicing and repair course once the Illustrator thing is finished (anyone else notice that all the repair people seem to be be men?) so I'm definitely keeping myself busy! For too long now I've been swearing at my machine and I've always wanted to do something a bit more engineer-y and hands-on. I'll let you know how that goes too as I'll want to offer my services around the East Midlands once I know what I'm doing.

Sew Sweetness

Oh and I nearly forgot! I have hijacked Sew Sweetness' Purse Palooza plans and will be writing a guest review on 8th October (yes I know it's not advertised anywhere else that I'm taking part but I am, honest, I told you it was a hijacking), I'll remind you to check it out when it actually happens :) Gotta get sewing this bag.


We didn't start the fire


Another Finished Quilt - Stars and Stripes