Fantastic Day

Imagine I'm singing that Haircut 100 song...Anyway today, despite being at work, was really really good! First off, I got some flowers in the post. It was from a company I'd been dealing with and hadn't done anything special other than sending a chunk of money their way but it was still nice. There were a few chocolates too but Jo and I scoffed those in about 30 seconds.DSCF5930Mid afternoon I was thinking I'd need to get some extra cash in this month in order to pay off more debt. I'm trying to pay more than the standard £500 a month I'm putting into repayments to clear it quicker because I'm fed up of it now.DSCF5932Suddenly my phone vibrated with an Etsy sale. I'd only sold a blimmin' $400 quilt! That'll do nicely thank you very much. And the buyer was lovely, this is what she said: I fell in love with your quilt the moment I saw it, so you can be sure it is going to a good home. I'd been looking everywhere for Just The Right Thing for one sad, blank wall, and something told me to search etsy today...and, lo, there it was! :DI'll look forward to welcoming Big George. He'll be taken good care of. Best wishesKadySo I have a binding to redo (it was machined on and it's a bit pants), a sleeve and a label to stitch on and it's on the way.Then I got home and this fab bundle was waiting for me!DSCF5931So it's all good. This month I've bought a watch for £2.08 including postage and spare battery, been to Festival of Quilts, got 3 numbers on the lottery and got a letter from Barclaycard out of the blue saying they overcharged me for a balance transfer 2 years ago and struck off £300!If I get to the cinema to see Alan Partridge this weekend then my month is complete I think. I am siegeface.


Do you like this fabric design, huh?


Highlights from Festival of Quilts