Lets do this, March!

This month is the last in the hockey season til September and also the start of my new job which I am nervous and excited about all at the same time!I do have a list of stuff I want to get done this month though. I have a tutorial to finish and post for a magazine. I also want to get my garden tidy and ready for spring because it's looking awful. I have got a shopping list for the garden centre tomorrow but historically I am bad at gardening and I don't enjoy the incessant weeding so we shall see what happens there. It's been neglected for a year so it would be nice if we had a mild summer and I had a comfy outside chair to sit in on bank holidays, perhaps with a glass of Pimms...Sewing-wise though, I want to accomplish two things. We have our first East Midlands Modern Quilt Guild meeting in March and I want to be able to take along a finished Fryed Pixels quilt for Ange to see in real life. We're agenda setting rather than doing a show and tell but still...  I want to finish quilting it. So far I have basted it (twice technically) ready for pillowcase binding so it can have a nice modern edge ready for the show a la Weeks Ringle. I then have to quilt it AFTER binding.Secondly, I want to get back into the Lovely Year of Finishes. I missed February because I needed the time to finish the January target. My target for the end of March is to have finished my Rain Deer Limbo quilt. I have done about 1/3 of the quilting so far.I also have a block and a row to do for Popular Patchwork swaps and a round to do on the Across the Pond and Around the Bend bee when that arrives with me (that's right, I'm on track for everything right now!). I also wouldn't mind doing some fun stuff- a skirt, some dining chair pads, a cushion for OH's mum for mothers day (I'm thinking scrappy turned edge machine applique of sorts), that sort of thing.Fingers crossed I start with a productive weekend!


Kindle Cosies


So, here's the thing...