So, here's the thing...

I really want to go to the Fat Quarterly Retreat in July. I didn't know I did until today and I'm sure there aren't many spaces left.I've figured out how I'm going to lug my big sewing machine around and I've found a hotel that's only £30 a night though a ridiculous distance away (OK so it's the Travelodge I stayed at last time I went to London right on the outskirts- but there's free parking!) and I can get to the venue no problem on Tube if I allow an hour to get there and an hour to get back to the hotel.I'm tempted by these photos of last year (all nicked from imagingermonkey). The workshops...7340628738_16fe6c10c6The mini competitions...The swaps...The goody bags...(OK so this picture is from VeryKerryBerry)And it's the weekend after my sister's birthday (who lives in London) so I can pop and see her briefly whilst having an excuse not to stay around too long (haha!)BUTIt's a lot of money and I'm a bit scared. I don't like going to places on my own or staying away from home. My way of meeting new people is to talk excessively to fill the silences otherwise I feel awkward. I'm one of those bloggers that is on the edge of the community followed by a few but not really known by many people. I've also been eyeing up the Edinburgh one day event that Jo is organising for the end of August and I doubt I can do both. Though I do feel more confident about navigating London as I've been several times (remember my vintage hauls?!).Maybe by July I'll feel more confident and part of the community as we will have had a couple of meetings for the East Midlands Modern Quilt Guild by then so I will know a few faces instead of just Blogger handles... And if I actually go this year I will actually know some more people by the end of it.ARGH someone make me do it!


Lets do this, March!


New stuff on my design wall