WIP-ping up

This is the last time I bore you with the Fryed Pixels quilt until the top is finished. If you are actually interested in watching this grow step by step, may I point you in the direction of this Crafteroo thread, which I am using to document my progress.So anyway it's the halfway point for January in the Lovely Year of Finishes so I am going to show you again one last time for the link up. I'm not quite halfway and I've been piecing it since around Boxing Day I think. Honestly it's getting a bit boring now, I'm trying to fuse 4 25 block squares a day and stitch them up as I go. My aim is to finish this row tonight and the eyes might look right when they're 1/2" higher up. I'm slightly behind schedule I think and I won't have any time this weekend to do anything on it!I have finished the Great Granny Quilt! That's one ticked off the Finish-a-long then. No pictures yet because it's drying after being in the wash and is still very soggy. I don't have a tumble dryer so I am hoping the upstairs bedroom will dry it off whilst I'm at work today and then it may get a stint in the airing cupboard to speed things along. Tune in tomorrow- hopefully.Now because I have finished something, it means I can start something, right? I cut into my Heaven and Helsinki and block 1 of 12 is complete and I'm writing the pattern instructions as I go. It's so nice piecing together something a bit different to lots and lots of tiny squares so I feel these extra projects I can flit to are what keep me going with the Fryed Pixels. heaven and helsinki blockI'm also working on a fabric design featuring bears as old people (as you do) for Spoonflower. I need to tweak these a bit, add a few minor detaisl and then get them in Illustrator to make the repeat and colour them in. Shall I go for block colour or watercolour effect?DSCF4915DSCF4917WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced too!


Great Granny Finished


Secret Project Revealed