My New Year's Resolution not so much a resolution, more of a target for the year. On my birthday I received a wonderful letter from the taxman saying I owe them quite a large sum of money and on top of that I'm getting fined an additional 15% plus interest. So I'm possibly going to have to look for an evening job to supplement my full time job in the New Year.However before that, I'm going to make more of a go of selling patterns and tutorials, both online and for magazines. It really looks like Fabricate isn't going to happen as the deadline is tomorrow and I'm not even at 25% of funding as no advertisers had the confidence to come on board early. So I'm still going to write in my spare time but for other people instead.My main aim is to finish some patterns for sale in my Craftsy shop. I have a couple of fabric bundles to play with coming in the post soon so here are a couple of sneaky peeks...I have a plan for one that looks like this (with Heaven and Helsinki):Like this (with Type by Julia Rothman):And another but with scraps that I cant show as my memory card is broken...And I need to actually make the finished product this time, which is what is wrong with my Wallander and High Flying Birds patterns. So I plan to make up those two as well in the new year- the fabric is ordered! And the best part is I won't need to spend money on fabric for ages as I have projects queuing up! Apart from backing and wadding of course.I've got two tutorials coming up sometime in the New Year in Popular Patchwork and I plan to submit a tutorial for my Waiting Waxwings and the scrappy clock to a couple of magazines I have in mind, all I have to do is send the emails!


A few quick things


Off The Wall Friday