To be honest, a bit BLAH

I'm going to have a moan and possibly a bit of a rant- I don't do it often- publicly anyway- so I'm allowed! :P Feel free to comment if you have any thoughts or ideas to ease my mind a bit (I don't get anywhere near the amount of comments I used to, I think people got lost in the switchover!)- I have a name- and a font- for the magazine now...NUMBER ONEIt's really hard trying to set up this magazine. I am putting together a business plan, hoping to get at least part financed by the bank, I have meetings planned and it's near on impossible to get the information I need to pitch it to the bank and also the distributors. So I email around trying to do my market research and work out costings so I know how much money to ask for and how viable it is. I need prices from digital publishers- no reply. A photographer who I queried on a price that didn't seem right- no reply. I contacted a very well known thread manufacturer asking if I could buy 10,000 spools of thread for cover gifts- no reply. Shops I needed help with for my market research- no reply. No one blimming replies!I think this is extremely rude.How can I write an expenditure sheet if I don't have expenditure details? It's almost like because I'm not set up yet they're not interested or don't take me seriously so they just ignore me because I am worthless to them. Well sorry guys, I'm not giving you my business when I am because you don't treat potential customers with respect, even an email to say they can't disclose information at this time would have been far more acceptable!Let that be a business lesson to everyone who sells online too- always acknowledge your potential customers, no matter how small. I've been guilty of being slow in the past but I'm going to be hot on it from now on.NUMBER TWOIn other news my friend Gina seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth and I am concerned for her welfare because its out of character. I've tried calling several times, texting, emailing, Flickrmailing and leaving voicemails. The only thing I haven't done is go round but I'm scared to turn up unannounced in case something bad has happened within the family as I don't want to intrude. So I'm worried about that. I'm hoping she's just on holiday.EDIT- GOOD NEWS, I'VE HAD AN EMAIL SHE IS OKNUMBER THREEA piece of my secret project that needs finishing this year has got lost in the post.NUMBER FOURI can't go to the hockey game I got front seats for on Saturday- that should be awesome and super competitive- because OH is working. So I sold my tickets to an ex-work colleague on Facebook. Sad.NUMBER FIVEEveryone seems to be leaving Christmas shopping late and I stop taking chocolate orders on 5th December (for my own sanity). So far I have 6 advance orders. This time last year I had 40. I'm panicking because I need new tyres for winter, road tax and a passport so I can leave the country in February but I can't afford any of these things without the orders.NUMBER SIXMy dog is spending the day at the vets amassing a huge bill for dental work, some teeth were loose and causing him to chatter them excessively and they were painful. When I get him back later his front teeth at least will be gone and he won't be able to give the goofy smile anymore :(I hope he's doing OK, he's probably in the recovery kennel right now.EDIT- HE IS HOME AND HAS HAD A LOT OF EXTRACTIONS BUT CANT SEE HOW MANY NOW. HE IS STRUGGLING TO EAT BUT HAS PAINKILLERS AND HE WILL BE OK, JUST WILL HAVE TO BE PAMPERED FOR A FEW DAYS




WIP Wednesday