Alternative fish pie

This is not so much a recipe as a way of stacking food together, however I thought I would share!My OH doesn't like baked mashed potato, so when we were given a bag of unidentified fish freshly caught from the North Sea by his stepdad and I suggested making a fish pie, this did not go down too well. So I decided to put together the ingredients he did like instead and it went down a treat!Slice up some potatoes and boil them whilst you do the next bits- I used 3 medium to large sized ones and threw away the ends. You might also want to preheat your oven here, it should be set to 180 degrees C.Roll out some pastry and line a casserole dish bottom and sides with it- I cheated and used Jusrol ready made puff pastry ;)Debone and skin the fish and lay it onto the pastry to cover the bottom.Cheat again and make up a packet of Parsley Sauce- I just used the Morrisons own one but didn't microwave it for as long (1 minute less) and used about 30ml less milk so it didn't boil over. Pour over the fish.Take the potatoes off the boil and lay them over the top of the sauce and you're ready to pop it in the oven. After 45 minutes it should all be cooked through with golden pastry and slightly browned "roast" potatoes.


More moulds, resin and stuff back in stock


Quilt finished and crafting fears!