Quilt finished and crafting fears!

I finished the quilt with time to spare and I am well and truly over my fear of jelly rolls, if anything they're so much easier than big stretches of fabric that need cutting up as I didn't enjoy cutting the borders! It was expertly quilted by Chris of Father's Heart Country Quilting and I would certainly go back to her again. All that was left was for me to patch up some stretched seams and sew on the binding which I did last night. I used bias tape because I am still too intimidated to make my own (and I wanted the damn thing finishing so I could move on to chocolate making). I could also do with some bias tape sewing lessons so I will have to get my big reference book out and read up again because at times I didn't managed to hit all the layers on my sewing machine and needed to go back over a few parts, and my hand sewing is so atrocious there was no way I was doing it by hand (believe me, I tried a few times and then decided it wasn't going to work). Now I just have to conquer my sewing pattern fear over the next two evenings to get a dress made for the wedding this weekend. The fabric is great and I have cut out the pattern pieces but I am intimidated by the actual cutting out process and zips! I may end up just wearing whatever I find in my wardrobe that's clean.... Does anyone else have crafting fears? I know you do, so many people message me about resin fears... I want to hear them all!


Alternative fish pie


Trufflepiglet necklace