WIPs and Joy Sparking

I'm pretty sure you've read posts from other bloggers that are clearing out their craft rooms after being inspired in part by Marie Kondo. That stuff is kind of catchy, it has to be said....While my biggest need is to use her special folding technique on my drawer of jumpers (sweaters) in my bedroom, I can look at my sewing space a little closer too.I'm lucky in that in moving country three years ago, we threw out/donated/sold most of our possessions, so my starting point is fortunately not too scary. I don't have any fabric I don't like, or thread, tools or rulers I don't use.Probably the most unruly part of my space is trying to use up my scraps before they multiply and the big boring pile of darning and clothing that needs adjusting and I can't be bothered to do! I also have a load of handmade clothes I no longer like and look shabby, it's just hard to throw out things that took so long. I will though, I'll say thank you and get rid ;)There was one thing I could definitely do though, one thing that wasn't sparking joy. The WIP bin. Some of the stuff I have had for years and I end up just feeling kind of down about it, especially when it comes to the start of a new quarter and it goes on my Finish Along list again. I'm definitely evolving into a start to finish kind of quilter in the main, and I think that's because I'm largely deadline driven.I've taken out EVERYTHING. This is what I have. Some of it you can have if you want it, for charity or practise or whatever :)The squiffy bag at the top is getting finished, it still sparks joy! It also is only in three pieces so it's nearly done!This applique project though I think is my albatross. I'll maybe make a cushion cover from the centre block and the fabrics are being freed from the bag and going back into stash. I'm just not going to finish it, even with the best intentions, there's always another deadline looming and another quilt that needs starting. There's a lot more not in this photo, but it's just paper with patterns and a stack of fabrics.The log cabin quilt I will finish. I don't know when but lets hope for this year. The blocks are done, and about half are sewn together even. I'm going to make up the top and then rent a longarm to do a simple and quick design all over it and call it done. I think it will maybe take 2-3 hours of sewing and pressing. I have the backing for it already, I've also bought a pantograph this week to get it done with. I may end up donating this one to charity if I don't like it on our spare bed.The blue and cream Lotus quilt - the very first project I started when we moved to Canada - is probably worth finishing, but it doesn't spark joy, so unless my husband is really into it, I will donate the top to be made into a quilt for our guild's charity, Sonshine, a second tier emergency women's refuge.I have another bag to finish. It was going to go to my next class for Blanche as my demo, but it never ran. All the bits are here and the worst bit (the cutting out and interfacing) is done so I may as well complete it!I found this applique sampler quilt top from the quilt along I did years ago. Does anyone want it? The edges are turned on the applique but on the whole, it mostly needs stitching down still so it's quite a delicate thing. It might be a nice tester for using on a long arm maybe. Anyway, let me know if you can use it and I'll mail it!Does anyone want these Province and Territory blocks? I was in a bee a few years ago and I know I won't get round to the pixel Canada map project I had in mind, I've not even designed it. There are some missing but most are here. Let me know and I'll post them to you.I was going to make a pair of Amy Butler Weekender bags, but now, I realise I'm probably not. I've pulled the pieced bits apart and stashed in my orphan block drawer and the bigger cut pieces are in my scrap drawers now.This handpiecing project rarely gets picked up. I'm going to finish the round and I've already thrown out the pieces on the right of the picture. I may applique it onto a background to make a mini quilt. It might stay in the tub a little longer, but I'm not going to kid myself that it's going to get any bigger, just more regular.Lastly I have this small layer cake quilt I was going to applique on. I know that isn't going to happen. So the next time I get to go to a guild meeting, to Sonshine you go!And that's it. Other than the projects I'm currently working on all at once (52 Blocks project, scrappy HSTs, Our Song Your Reflection, Singularity - literally just burying the threads!) there's no more WIPs.  I feel free!


A Finish Along Finish - Carter bags


I'll Happily Take The Rejection