A YouTube - and Podcast! - Update

I was on the Pat Sloan American Patchwork and Quilting Podcast this week! Did you listen in? Let me know what you thought. I was a bit nervous but that wavering in my voice at the start can be put down to the phone connection, right? I'm very happy with what we talked about though, and Pat was lovely and asked great questions. I'm very glad I did it!Find out how to listen HERE Also, I'm not sure if all of the readers here know, but I have a YouTube channel that's always looking for subscribers... A few examples of video posts are below. I try and be reasonably informative and if I can put up three videos a month I call that good progress. Free information!Lastly, I've updated my Classes page to include the events I'm signed up for this year. All are in Southern Alberta but I'm happy to branch out! Feel free to recommend me to your Guilds or local store owners if you think I'd be a good fit!


What pattern next?

