Finish Along Q4 2018

I was in two minds about whether I link up for this quarter or not. I have lots of new things I want to make, and I know it won't be a finishing kinda quarter - a bit like the last one really.I joined the Carried Away Pattern Collective and I'm about to receive the third pattern, and I've not even cut out one bag yet. I have an idea for another Hank quilt (based on his potato pose at the top of this post), I'm finishing up a quilt right now that I can't share until February.... it all points to stuff I will be starting fresh.If I finish two things, I will be very happy. Neither of these are things I have posted about before.Firstly, the salmon run quilt. It's currently just a giant template waiting to be cut up. This will be made in my Paint By Number Quilts style. I have all the fabrics too.Secondly, I only have until the end of November to finish this. It will be a mini quilt on the larger size and I want to enter it into Quiltcon. It will read "Everything not saved will be lost." It's based on two things - the Nintendo end screen of the 90s and a YA book I am reading at the moment called The End Games, which is a zombie apocalypse story and not something I usually read, but I'm enjoying it while waiting for my copy of An Absolutely Remarkable Thing to arrive. This is a slow going project but I love how those 1/2" squares look. There's as much fabric in the seam allowances as on the visible side!I also want to share some posts with you soon to talk about quilts that were made for the book - those that made it as well as those that did not. I made a Blue Jay quilt too, finished it and then for whatever reason, forgot to share it! I'll make more of an effort to do those - and make more videos - over the coming colder months.Linking up:


A Finish: Blue Jay


Thank you