Finish Along 2018 - Quarter 2

Maybe I should try and get one of the historical finishes done.... it might be hard as we are doing some home renovations (read: my husband is ripping out doors and door frames, meanwhile I make sure I do his usual house chores and make cups of tea, etc) and that costs money.The big quilt at the start of the post that I want to finish needs an enormous piece of batting since it's the largest quilt I've ever attempted to make at 96" square. I do have a massive 96" roll of batting now though, so I guess I just need some batting tape to give it a bit of surplus around the edges? Still, I have to piece the top together entirely yet. And - ugh - quilt that huge thing. Maybe I need to factor in renting the long arm too. My grandparents are coming over to visit in June so it would be nice to have it on the bed for then.This is the Canada quilt, still untouched. I want to add in some more panels so the design may change a bit. I think it's been this way for two years now. Bad.I'm not listing anything else. There's no way I will finish the applique Quilt Workout that is also over 2 years in the making, nor will I probably finish the Blanche bag when I'm in danger of falling behind on the Bag of the Month club and I have a secret project to finish for June 1st. I'd also like to make a new applique quilt too, AND I have more patterns to digitise, ready for my book launch...


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A Finish - Wildflowers