2017 Finish Along - time for Q4... and Vlog #15 October 1st.

The end (of the year) is nigh! So what do I want to achieve by December 31st?I'm not including Banana Candy here because that quilt despite being on my last quarter list is only a couple of hours from being finished, so I feel like I'd be cheating a bit. It has fallen in the gap between the two quarters, if there ever was such a thing.It would be a great shame if I didn't get my Canada themed quilt done this year. A second collection came out in the time it has taken me to not sew it together so I'm going to have to figure out making it bigger to include them...I'd also like to finish my Log Cabin quilt. It's huge and our spare bed is a just a pull out day bed, so I will have to convince my husband (who is distracted by the orange print in this) that it could go on our bed maybe. We have never had a bed quilt before. I've got as far as piecing half of the blocks together into the upper half of the top, the other half needs putting together. I also bought a backing when I found half price extra wide at My Sewing Room one evening. I plan to long arm it there too, it's been so long since I rented the longarm.My Quiltcon entry of course needs doing- I only have until the end of November to get it done and photographed. I have fabric and a plan so far.Oh and of course, I have 3 chairs in my sewing room and one still needs painting and reupholstering. I've sewn the fabric together, so I just need a weekend to get on with it and finish the set.I doubt much else will be finished with my classes and such going ahead, but there's still my Lotus quilt. I did a bit in a Sunday day retreat type situation, and it's all cut out and quick to put together, but because the quilt has no destiny, I've not bothered with it. It's not my own pattern for sale, it's not got a recipient in mind, so it stays there in a bag...Linking up to the Finish Along!

Charm About You

Here's the latest vlog, it's very very short!


A Finish: Banana Candy


Vlog #14 - September 24th 2017 - New Fabric (and a lot more besides)