It's a Scraptastic Tuesday!

I made progress on an old WIP I've not touched in a year- YEAH!My scrappy log cabin quilt needed 64 blocks to be completed and I had made 46 of them and stopped, packed up and moved country. So I've been making the remaining 18 in the evenings when Alex has been working. I will be giving away my big box of strings at my next guild meeting because I am done with these scraps. I probably had enough to make 64 blocks for the back too.... Seriously these two carrier bags are full of strips left over!I'm going to quilt this on the longarm and rent some time- it's 96" square, or it will be when I have the blocks all sewn together - a little too big for me to be happy basting it and quilting it on my domestic machine. In fact, this will be the largest quilt I have ever made. True story. I want to put easy straight lines in the colour bits and feathers around the white. Straight line plan may change depending on if Bernina have improved their ruler foot. Apparently the rental machine has gone without for a while because the metal gets stressed by bumping rulers over and over and then it literally breaks from stress fractures. There has been a new ruler foot developed in the last few months, so I may be in luck!I am getting my mojo back. I am working on four or five projects at once but that's how I like it to be, dipping in and out of a few things each day. It works for me. Today though, its a teaching day.Linking up:

Scraptastic Tuesday

Hank also shares the space


Oh yeah remember this?