
It's so frustrating that I can't share pretty much all the projects I've worked on over the last six months or more! I only have six quilts to show for 2016 on the Finished page, and that's entirely untrue. There's four more (if you include a three piece quilt) I've not been able to show. I thought I'd show some really sneaky super close ups of two of the projects I've had to remake. I like them better than the originals (maybe I can share pictures of those soon?!) so that's got to mean that it will be an improvement. I'm in the quilting stage. I still have two quilts to make and a couple to edit too, maybe a smaller project to make. I really want to be done with it by the end of January if possible. I've done the step outs though so the boring stuff  -which shows binding step by step for instance - is all shipped off. I have a new editor too - I really liked the previous lady I worked with, but I'm yet to "meet" her and I'm sure she's just as great. I'm starting to think the quilting is my favourite part, especially on smaller quilts and projects.In other news I finally finished a set of bee words. These were supposed to be for September! Two or three pieced ones to go now.I've also started on a QAYG project sample for a class I hope to teach next year. I need to finish this up quickly too so I have a sample. I've pitched two classes, both completely unrelated to my book. That will be refreshing for me as well as gently introducing me to the world of teaching and finding my approach, since I will be expected to teach and travel a bit to promote my book. Last time I did any teaching work was to 13 and 14 year olds making resin jewellery as a guest teacher at a school and they were throwing chairs at each other... That was a few years ago now and I'm pretty sure the adult teaching experience is much better.When all of these commitments are done I am really looking forward to doing something mindless and unnecessary, like scrappy log cabins, but in reality I know I'll be back on the magazine stuff as before, bills gotta be paid. I am not doing Project 48 this time around, or any bees. I need to have a relatively commitment free year in 2017; 2016 has been hard with a move to a new country, work, writing a book, being mentally exhausted by the state of the world, etc. I'd like to clear some of my non-essential WIPs too just to tidy the cupboard a bit.My goals are:This weekend: Finish piecing book quilt, bee block and signature block, finish QAYG on class project.January: Finish any bee words outstanding and most of the book stuff, do at least two clothing repairs/alterations (see last post)February: Finish book stuff once and for all if not done already, then do a happy dance and high five myself very hard. Release a new PDF pattern. Work on a new Hank quilt. Try and finish the dachshund dress.March-April: Finish Hank Quilt. Gently work on at least one magazine project. Design quilt with my bee word blocks.May-June: Work on the second Quilt Workout pattern since I dropped the ball. Release a new PDF pattern. Magazine project. I'm away some of June back in the UK for my sister's wedding.July-August: Finish Quilt Workout pattern and release it. Do a fist pump dance. Magazine Project.And I'm making no more plans past that just yet! I would like to produce some of my patterns on paper in 2017 too, and try and get in with a distributor, maybe towards the end of the year when I have a better portfolio. I think the key will be having diversity in my WIPs already to keep me interested and not starting anything new unless it is for an intended deadline, so I don't add to the stack.I also bought some fabric, because, you know, fabric. Some sale orange/rusts to prop up the stash from Fabric Spark, and some Euclid linen and Modern Backgrounds from My Sewing Room. I bought some more from Fat Quarter Shop this week and I have plans to buy a bundle of Saturday Morning too while it's still available at Green Fairy, I just have to get the money together for it. 

Linking up:2017 Planning Party

Happy New Year!


Selvedge Salvage


A whole crapola of repairs