Lifestyle change

My new job starts at 7.30am, leaving no time for pre-work sewing unless I want to get up before 6am (which I don't - and only will have to if I need to do the morning dog walk for some Alex work related reason, i.e. all week next week. Woe). So I'm trying to be more of an evening sewing person, but that is hard. Hockey season has begun, plus Alex works while I am asleep and is home in the evenings. Then there's the usual activities such as grocery shopping, cooking, etc. I thought I would have more time to sew because I'd have more energy going back to a desk job, but I am still tired when I get home too. I hope that I'll adapt better soon.I got accepted into the craft fair I applied for, then panicked because it is on a Friday. Since cancelling it (due to new work schedule), I discovered that Remembrance Day - the Friday it is on - is a bank holiday over here. But I got my money back, and actually having less compulsory rush sewing is pretty nice. I think I will just list things on Etsy for now and see where I go from there in the New Year after I build up my stock a little.In book news, the projects are gone! I have step outs to do, but I want to finish the crosswalks quilt top first. Look, progress!dscf1405I've ordered this pantograph from Urban Elementz and so hope to longarm it on an evening/weekend as soon as it arrives.I also need to quilt this for my Quiltcon Michael Miller challenge entry. Yep, my little 36" square top is pieced and assembled. I had trouble with the points, they came out without enough seam allowance- I'm looking at you, top left square! - so a little unpicking may yet happen before quilting it, but that idea is making me put it off a bit...dscf1403


Brother PQ1500SL - a review of sorts


Rebecca's bag