Shine Bright: Preview Part V

Remember when I used to post progress on this quilt?! It's been three months since my last update- oops.I'm happier with how this is going now, some of the measurements are hard and I actually had to recut a lot of the last round, even though it was dead simple piecing. I think I'm happiest because it's not a weird shape anymore. Just one more border to go, but it's quite small pieces so I expect that will take some time.P.S. Sold our house in 48 hours!! Assuming it all goes smoothly (cash buyer) we should be moving out mid December, going to stay at the in-laws for a few weeks and early January starting our new life.... I can't hand my two months'  notice in until the proof of funds is done though, which is any day now. It's been a bit quiet here because I've been busy with boring admin stuff and cleaning, but I should hopefully be back to power on through some more WIPs before I sell my sewing machine!


Q4- Goals for the last quarter in 2015's Finish Along


Another carpet bag