My Companion Carpet Bags

I've completed my first two Companion Carpet Bags as part of the sew along. It's the first time needing a screwdriver when sewing (for undoing the screws on the hinge) and the first time using headlining foam as a stabiliser. I liked both of these things! Here's the first one which has some Cotton & Steel prints going on...DSCF9828DSCF9827DSCF9829 DSCF9835And the second, which doesn't have the snap tab or flower detail, but does have a tiger lining and Fresh Cut exterior...DSCF9844 DSCF9845Both of these are the smaller size on the pattern and for both I used vinyl for piping and for the frame channel. It sewed well and I've had it maybe four years lying about not being used so it was all good. The bases are very sturdy with plastic canvas inside to reinforce and also securely hold the feet. I used E6000 glue as well as stitching to hold on the handles, which took longer to sew on than I anticipated. I always have trouble with bags gaping a bit at the very top of the stitching when the handles droop and this helped with that a bit. Does anyone else find this always happens with leather handles?These bags are a good size for everyday stuff, even in the small size its roomy enough for a small packed lunch as well as a large purse, keys, phone, tissues, hand cream, etc, etc.There is still time to make and enter the sew along yourself, it's open til the end of September, more details can be found here. Of course if you just want the pattern, you can get it from Samantha's shop.These are now going (reluctantly) into my Etsy shop, bandwidth permitting. Hopefully I will have a larger one completed soon with red leather handles and a snap tab, mine, all mine! Or maybe I'll end up swapping back and keeping the one with the vintage flowers sewn on the front...


A finish! Chandelier Quilt


A finish! Left A-Lone Star