Bits and Bob's

Yes that apostrophe in my title is correct, because this cushion is Bob's! Turns out obligation is a great motivator, so I've been back at the machine before my apathy for sewing turned into a proper thing.I Photoshopped and printed his face out onto inkjet fabric I had lying around and integrated him into the union flag design (excellent tutorial taken from Liz's blog- come back Liz we miss you!). Mr Slayer has bought a double decker bus to use as a comedy venue (called the Blundabus) at the Edinburgh Festival this year, and is stopping off in Leicester tomorrow. He asked me to make him a cushion for it and because I can't say no, this is what I made.DSCF9470I was just going to do one of just his face, blown up, cut out and stuffed with wadding, but I wouldn't have got the fabric back from Spoonflower in time. I always intended to make something garish, but maybe that would be going too far? Here's the back with the logos (and Becky's drawing) printed on the other piece of inkjet fabric I had- I put a zip fastener down the side so it can be used either way round. The piping was left over from a previous cushion- I made too much and shoved the rest of the bias tape in a drawer. So glad I did.DSCF9473Also in the bits camp, I made this All-in-One Box Pouch for someone who deserves a little gift (OK it's actually pretty massive), and that I have owed something to for ages- like getting on for a year. This is going in the post ASAP. The pattern is by Aneela Hoey if you fancy making one. The main fabrics are Cotton + Steel prints as I thought that was a pretty safe bet. It took quite a bit of interfacing and cutting out in general. I used up four FQs from my stash, which means my collection of empty comic boards is growing and my stash is getting smaller- not necessarily a bad thing since I need to fit it into one box with all of the rest of my sewing paraphernalia.DSCF9477DSCF9476 DSCF9479A bigger "bit" - I made this mini quilt for my Dog Mini 2015 swap partner!DSCF9468It's made from my usual freezer paper, scraps and glue process, which took me a full Monday evening to piece together, and an hour and three quarters to quilt with three different threads (four if you count moving onto a new spool of grey). The background fabric is Dashwood Studio's Streetlife. It's already on the way to the recipient!I think that's pretty good progress for saying I was out on Thursday evening, away from home half the weekend, working on an extra computer job at home and on Sunday we were car booting a bunch of our stuff...


WIP Wednesday - dressmaking


Sorting the stash