Mini for Me

On Friday there was a gentle knock at the door just before 9pm. I generally don't answer the door after tea time unless I'm expecting someone. We had G&Ts and the game Ticket To Ride all over the floor and guessed it was probably some election canvassing so we didn't answer (and restrained Hank who was very curious and knocked several playing pieces off the board).A few seconds later there was a shuffly sound, followed by another, followed by another....It turns out my UK mini swap mini quilt was being hand delivered by Louise!I had shut off from Instagram for the evening so I hadn't seen the build up from our swap mama Nina that someone was going to get a delivery this evening, nor had I seen Louise getting closer and closer...

(pics above nicked from @love_vintage_giraffe)

Don't worry, she was in the area for other reasons and didn't travel a third of the way across the UK just to deliver a package to the idiot who didn't even open the door.So anyway I got a very lovely mini in jewel-ish colors and my favourite, blenders, which is now hanging on the wall. I had to take pictures down to accommodate it, I'm running out of room so I am now on a second wall of minis. The dogs were happy as there were some treats for them and the Rolos made a nice Sunday night treat. Plus I got Paperchase goodies too which are already being put to use, lucky, lucky me!


Giveaway Day!


Dressmaking plans