Q2 Finish Along Goals

Well I didn't do that great last quarter - I finished two of four projects and made a ton of new stuff instead. Naturally then, two of these projects roll over into quarter two's finish along.Firstly the Hadley doughnuts are as I left them- one partial block. I would like this to be a quilt but temptation to make something smaller is strong...FINISHED!And so is the Left-A-Lone Star, naturally, given its name. By the way I'm still hating what my pebble quilting looks like so I think that part of the design is going in favour of more radiating curves...q2 q1A couple of new additions this time. I decided to enter Festival of Quilts again this year, so naturally I'm making a big Hankface, which I've already named "Frankly, Hank." Just for a laugh, if I can finish this before 1st May I'm going to enter it into the Quilt Masters/ Art Gallery of Awesome thing they started recently. I'll need to write some kind of pretentious description for it, like what it's a metaphor for, rather than I just wanted to blow up my gormless pet's face because it's funny (if it gets in I will definitely regret not calling it "Haters Gotta Hate"). Chances are though they will pocket the extra entry money and tell me to do one. What am I saying? Chances are it won't be finished in time and I'll be entering it into pictorial quilts and saving myself £12. Either way it will be there at the show.FINISHED!Also, I want to completely finish my English Country Garden BOM quilt. I need to baste and quilt it before someone beats me to it and before I totally forget about the thing!DSCF9009With finishing my dress for Quilt and Stitch village and class samples to finish making as well as teaching those classes, I daren't put anything else on the list, this is plenty optimistic anyway!Linking up...

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

P.s. I blogged on 52 Quilters today too


Behold - the Junk in the Trunk dress!


A finish: Marquise Bedrunner