Pluggy pluggy

I'm not sure if I've ever really promoted my own website that much. It is kind of an extension of my blog, but in a portfolio-y way. It looks like this...Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 14.19.25On there I have all the magazines (well, not the jewellery ones from ages ago and the one I used to work on) I've had tutorials and articles published in, links to my fabric designs and recently I added a page that shows all my show entries, two more will be appearing on this page over the next month or so!Go check it out here ( other news my instant download pattern shops are nearly fully stocked and will have all my BOM blocks uploaded by the time the weekend is up now I know what I am doing and have a system and such. Sorry it took so long to get to that point.Etsy!Payhip!Patterns to Print!You know, since I'm blatantly self-promoting and everything,




Already wishing for the weekend (and a Hank update)