Stash, oh dear

DSCF8522I think I'm going to be an unofficial member of the Sew My Stash collective this year.From what was 100 cards, I now have 200 cards of 1/4-2 yard pieces, plus a big stack I accumulated during the January sales...DSCF8523Not to mention the FQ bundles I still have left, though mercifully I am sewing up my Priory Square bundle at the minute so it's not quite as bad as it once was.DSCF8524DSCF8525Still, I know I will definitely be buying Fresh Cut by Basic Grey when it comes out next month, preferably in a FQ bundle (budget permitting, this may end up being a F8 bundle, I have a tax bill to pay y'know). That is non negotiable, I buy all the (non-Christmas) Basic Grey lines as I think they're all utterly fantastic. And I'm always running short of complimentary solids, so I'm not stopping buying completely and I'm definitely allowing myself to buy those. Plus at £2-3 a yard at Fabric Guild, it would be silly not to get a few yards of suitable prints here or there for backings...But really, other than that, I think I'm pretty well sorted for the rest of the year and probably many more beyond that too! It's not a fast per se, I know I'm appalling at doing that after failing miserably last year (and then going crackers as a result), but I am going to make more of a conscious effort to use what I have and stop being seduced by new lines and special offers. I think the key is if I find myself adding something to cart, to revisit my shelves and just check that I am actually low in that colour, or I haven't got something else already that would be a great substitute.DSCF8526Plus have you noticed, the bigger the stash, the more blimmin scraps?! I've already got a carrier bag full of strips for my log cabins (which has become a thing this year, search on Instagram for #scrappylogcabinqal and just remember I was doing it first ;)) but some of my drawers are overflowing- again!Now I just need to find a home for the non-carded prints. Hmm.P.S. Don't forget to enter the Fancy Moon giveaway (if you're actually fasting, fabric prizes don't count!) on the last post...




Giveaway from Fancy Moon!