My first finish along finish of the quarter

Snappy blog post name, huh? ;)I've finished the unidentified present on my finish along list for my friend, which I will be gifting on Sunday. she does read my blog but I don't know if she will over the next few days so I'm risking it and sticking this out there.DSCF8290Yep, my third sew together bag as I'm sure you guessed. I like making these, except the cutting and interfacing bit. My friend Gina is the one who fixed my wedding dress disaster the night before we went away. Whilst I was at her house, I was hand sewing the binding down on the two I made for myself and she commented that she liked them, so I knew what I had to do!DSCF8292 DSCF8293I may make a few of these for Christmas gifts too- they're great for toiletries on holiday and I have at least two recipients in mind....The East Midlands Modern Quilt Group is making these with Di on Saturday but since I've made a few, I think I may soldier on with my IG Mini Swap hand sewing instead!Finish Along 2014


Sunday Stash, A Winner and A Cushion!


Georgetown on my Mind...