Give it away, give it away, give it away now....

This is my 900th post! Looking back, I've been blogging since June 2008, but I missed my six year blogiversary, so hopefully you won't mind a giveaway now.DSCF7667I bought this custom FQ bundle from Fluffy Sheep Quilting as a prize knowing this would be coming up soon. I want to offer it to my readers as you are the reason I've kept going all this time, otherwise I'd be talking to no one!There are four ways to enter:

  1. Leave a comment, any comment.
  2. Let me know in another comment if you follow my blog in a reader, by email, etc.
  3. If you have voted in the Sewvivor competition, please let me know in another comment. The voting is open until midnight EST tonight (or 5am GMT tomorrow, Thurs 14th) so you will need to be quick if you haven't already! Here's the link. I'm number 3 if you fancy helping me into the next round ;)
  4. Spread the word on social media somewhere that I'm doing this giveaway, or if you'd rather, spread the word about Sewvivor voting, but before the deadline closes please if you take this option. Please tell me in another comment if you have done this.

I will be drawing a winner randomly this Sunday, which is 17th August. It will probably be the morning around 9am GMT so get your entries in before then.Thanks for sticking with me :) 


Hundreds and Thousands finish and Giveaway winner


Billy Bass Mini Quilt (Sewvivor round 1) - plus a tutorial on adding sound to quilts