Serious progress

Friday night I finished quilting and on Saturday, I put the last stitch in the binding of the Christmas project I've been working on. This gave me time to play with these for that rainbow quilt on a white background I promised a couple of posts back.I have almost got the top together for this (no way am I piecing it) just waiting for a small parcel in the post of something so I can stitch it down, get a photo and then quilt it. I went back to the Fabric Guild yesterday and bought the wadding I needed but also a couple of Alison Glass packs of decent size "scraps" which may make it into a bag to go with my Weekender perhaps.I'm sure it will come in handy.I haven't been sure about the Cotton + Steel collections that have come out. A lot of the designs are a bit odd in my opinion (such as the lions I think look like sheep), the spotty stripes in the basics are too large scale for my liking but I like the metallic elements and I really like the Moonlit collection other than the fact it has butterflies in it.Talking about butterflies, one flew in through the living room window on Friday evening and I had a mouth full of drink and temporarily forgot how to swallow as I pointed frantically and MMM MMMM!!-ed loudly at OH as it flew towards me in disgusting flappy slow motion. It went up the stairs and promptly disappeared. We think it may have gone out of the spare room window but I think that is way too clever and it's possible it's lurking somewhere waiting to land its fuzzy disgusting body on my head...Anyway I digress...I won a Mustang layer cake very recently and have actually cut up eight of the pieces to start on a cushion. I'm about 1/4 of the way there and that's just before work this morning! Hope to finish it this week but of course it all depends on the Sew-vivor results that will be out today *baited breath*.I am so nervous; tonight I'm going to a "Back to Netball" class, hopefully they're not on week 9 of 10 and I won't be turned away. When I've joined sports clubs in this area before they tend to have been cliquey with a certain level of skill needed to fit in (except Fencing, that was very beginner friendly). This is a coached class for people just like me that used to play at school and have probably forgotten half of the rules. I wanted to take up squash but the way it's run in my local area is very elitist and I didn't want a private coach, I just want to get fit and have fun while doing it. I've sent an email this morning but essentially I am just going to turn up with my PE kit and hope a bunch of strangers let me play with them and don't mock me too much. Scary!**EDIT** The guy that's organising it has emailed back and has put my mind at ease a bit. Here's the info for the one I'm going to, but if you are thinking of looking for a similar class yourself, they are all over the place nationally on different days at different times, see the England Netball site or search for Back to Netball.




How I build my stash