Random Thursday - why my OH is better than Ryan Gosling

Two things he has said to me this week that affirms I'm marrying the right person...."Is it OK to use fabric scissors on this foam?" - thanks for checking and knowing that they're not 'just scissors'!Last night - "You've had a really productive day on that quilt." - I didn't do anything at all around the house, paid work in any form or anything useful at all yesterday, unless buying a loo brush from Ikea counts. I didn't even help cook at any point, and that wasn't even said in a sarcastic tone either before you ask!DSCF7384And hopefully he will put these away for me while I'm out today (yeah he does that too sometimes) hint hint (yes he reads this blog).Don't forget he did my dress photos for me last weekend too ;)Linking up...


Ziggy / Bowie - another sneaky finish


Christmas in July fabric giveaway