WIP Wednesday

I'm still here, I'm still reading blogs daily and I'm still sewing :)I'm currently working on something secret. I totally hate that as I'm rubbish with secrets. It's using the new Rustique collection that isn't even out yet, how lucky am I?Hopefully I will get a bit of time doing more on it tonight as our TV went back to the shop under warranty and we're waiting for a replacement to come tomorrow. It's quite refreshing having no TV. Sadly it does mean I've discovered Arrested Development on Netflix...

Linking up...

I have another stack of FQs that need to be sewn into something, a quilt to baste and my Bowie quilt needs finishing for FoQ so some finishes need to start happening soon. I started quilting Bowie with wobbly lines but I'm currently using my floating foot instead of my darning foot, not sure if that is causing any problems but the thread is snapping frequently so I have ordered some Aurifil from Cindy to see if it behaves better. Up until now I've been using Coats Moon as a top thread which I use for piecing all the time. It's on hold til that arrives.Gwen has been protective of Hank today, which is unexpected. A big labrador called Toby who used to give Fletcher grief came running over and she got really nasty thinking he was going to try his usual tricks on Hank. Turns out after I let him off his lead he was worse! Here she is (blurry sorry) thinking she might like to sit in the puppy enclosure instead of her own bed this morning... P.S. Camera seems to work again!


Sausage Puppy


Puppies that like fabric - an almost tutorial