Mind elsewhere

I've not been able to sew in the mornings as usual lately for reasons explained in the above photo (he loves sitting on the sewing machine pedal too), plus I've been having to tire this little one out so that he sleeps- Alex is on night shifts so he's the one that needs to sleep in the morning (he's not getting any though).This currently is my bed so as not to annoy the neighbours at night and see that Hank gets outside quickly when nature calls- and he calls me. It's really quite comfortable though and I'm getting over 5 hours even though I'm getting up with the shipping forecast, the annoying bit is when Gwen gets up to reconfigure her bed at 3am and I've just nodded back off after letting his lordship outside.I should have my appliqué ready for stitching soon, because it's something I can pick up and put down without needing the machine. It's too big to do in one piece and I'm waiting on some more Sewline glue and Black Kona from Simply Solids. Picture coming soon!I'm at work and Alex has had four hours sleep, during which time Hank has had a terrible morning, he had an accident and then rubbed it on all his bedding, favourite toys and himself in distress that he wasn't heard barking (hence me being on the sofa). I also forgot to open the windows in the conservatory and we've had nice weather for once so the poor chap was distraught. Alex now has a job interview in Birmingham and he would need leaving for another four, maybe five, hours depending on how well he does and if he finds the place alright, which even by wearing him out playing beforehand is going to have the same horrible outcome and a sad little puppy.So THANK YOU to my friend Gina for stepping in at very last minute to have him at her house when I called at lunch time. With no car, she's unwittingly found herself with a creature that is closer to a wiggly Tasmanian Devil than puppy (he is very toothy right now- and fast) in her own home. I've been sent this picture following her Labrador Frank around, he seems to be happy already- after just half an hour!2014-04-15_13.59.02P.S. SORRY and THANK YOU again, and please be honest if he's been a nightmare or eaten/torn/punctured/generally ruined anything, fingers crossed he's a good boy!P.P.S. Anyone more familiar with Blogger than I able to tell me why I'm not getting the comments on the Hank blog to my email? I don't have a gmail account, I deleted it so my usual penny-dog one is the primary address, and yet, nothing! Thanks!


A liiiittle bit of progress


Instahank and Gwenstagram