Everything must go

I've listed my Pfaff on eBay twice now, I really wanted £450 for it but I've just got to face it that I'm not going to get that much so I've started it at £250 with a buy it now of £390 for the next three days- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261388336784.I've been working on some new fabric designs, some will be available on Spoonflower when I get the proofs, others are part of a secret project. Either way it has prompted me to use the smaller of the vintage suitcases to keep my designs separate :)DSCF6593Just the other half to print and fill, then. Does that count in the fabric fast?


iPhone Inspired Cushion


The first finish of 2014!