Welcome back Smokey

Smokey the pyromaniac sewing machine is back and as far as I can tell after a few hours work on it yesterday, his counselling session at Husqvarna has cured him of his ways.DSCF6534In other news, today is the day that the Pfaff goes on eBay now I don't need it, however I may just give #greatukfabricdestash on Instagram a go first and see if anyone is interested in it on there before I list. That's right, at 7pm tonight there's another destash on Instagram and I do have stuff for it! Since I'm not allowed to buy fabric, I am accepting trades. Right now though, I need to go down to the LQS as I have a couple of tops finished that need wadding and I've run out of fusible web. It's going to be a world of temptation!DSCF6525 



