Happy Birthday to me (plus a giveaway)

Oh yeeaaahh look what I bought myself for my birthday (unofficially but that's my excuse now, btw it's OH's fault, he convinced me to buy it)...DSCF6398It's a Husqvarna Sapphire 875Q.I've not had much chance to play with it yet, but it is out of the box and has been prodded a bit. Sunday (my actual birthday) heralds super-fun-test-night-number-one. I've not got a lot of time before then as I have places to be, but I will be having a good look through the instructions.DSCF6405I chose this machine (and will be selling my Pfaff Expression 2- 18 months old, any takers?) because it has a few features mine doesn't. Thread cutting, a slightly wider stitch capacity, it's a tad lighter, has programmable alphabetsand it winds bobbins from the needle! It still has the 10" throat space though, which I definitely wanted to keep. Downside is it doesn't have the dual feed system that my other machine has.That means my old workhorse will be looking for a potential new home. There are signs of use as you'd expect really, but I am replacing the broken needle threader before I sell it so it will be fully functional. I have some extra feet and bobbins for it too and it's boxed as new. If you're interested in it before I stick it on eBay (or simply want me to let you know when it gets put on there) give me a shout and I'll go through the ins and outs of the machine, the features, etc.DSCF6402Right so, giveaway time! As promised and as you know, I have a copy of Popular Patchwork with my quilt on the cover going spare. I also went to the shop today and bought two copies of Sewing World with my cushion on the cover so I have a spare one to go with it. So that's two magazines for one winner, I'm pretty proud of this...magsTo enter just leave me any old comment here, one entry per person from anywhere in the world, and I'll draw the winner sometime on the morning of December 29th so you've got that lovely Christmas break to read this post and get round to commenting when you find a minute to yourself. Good luck folks.For those wondering about how Fletcher is getting on, he went to the vets on Wednesday and has some easy to administer anti-inflammatories for a month to see if that helps perk him up a bit. Apparently it slows the growth of tumours too which is bloody brilliant- why wasn't he given this months ago?! He's also got eyedrops for his sticky eye, turns out it's because of his crazy weight loss, he's lost too much fat behind his eye -yes EYE FAT- and a stye he's had for ages has been irritating the surface as a result of his eyes shrinking backwards. Gross, but it's all good at the minute.


Start of something new


Fabric Fursday