Well, this is embarrassing...

I'm to name one thing to finish this month for the Lovely Year of Finishes, however I have grown my list quite considerably over the last few days and I don't know whether I'm coming or going! I'm going to choose this as my finish- it's going to be an Urban Nine Patch block with a scrappy outer border of 2" squares made into a cushion with the teal piping for OH's mum for Christmas. She collects my brightly coloured cushions so this Christmas is no exception. It's also the last compulsory gift I have to make, though I'm thinking of doing a few tea towels. We will see...DSCF6320I've started on a QAYG tote in teal for another tutorial, I want to get this one done and in the post before Christmas to cross one thing off my big 2014 magazine project list...DSCF6324I cut out most of the pieces I need for a Park West bag at the guild meeting weekend before last, hoping to finish this by this weekend also as I want to enter it in the Sew Mama Sew competition. If I'm honest though, I really don't enjoy pattern piece cutting. Got the interfacing to go and some rotary bits but will have to improvise a little as I ran out of the dalmatians fabric (I didn't read the instructions properly) and the shop I bought them from has run out.DSCF6321I've also started making scrappy log cabins in an effort to use up some scraps.This is just an every now and then project, I'm hoping to eventually make it into a big double bed quilt and have it quilted by Trudi. It's just a bit of indulgence really as and when I'm in the mood for a bit of mindless sewing with pretty fabrics.DSCF6323AND if that wasn't enough I've started cutting for my giant churn dash! It's time to start cutting up my Mixteca stash (and wait for more LV charms)!DSCF6325Oh hell I've just remembered I need to start the actual fabric bit of the moose quilt for the next guild meeting too...DSCF6326So I have a WIP dumping ground that rather embarrassingly looks like this right now. And it's hockey tonight so this isn't going to get sorted til tomorrow.DSCF6327I'm currently finishing up binding Picnic Path (yes look, I'm finishing something too!) as it needs to go over to America this week, finish pictures coming very soon... My Button


Picnic Path Quilt - finished


Punctuation quilt finished