
I had to sing that a la Gold. Sorry if that's in your head now.It's that time again, we're entering the last quarter of the year and that means goals for me. Goals for the Finish Along and a goal for the Lovely Year of Finishes.My first is going to be a goal for both, which means I need to finish it by the end of October. And that is Parquetry (yeah yeah you've seen it before, but there's a couple more blocks up there)...DSCF6075 My ButtonI'm not actually sure how wide I'm going to go exactly (I planned for 10 columns and I'm onto my 6th now), so this could be a slip up for me, but hopefully not. I have a bee block, a bag for Purse Palooza, a blog tutorial and a magazine project to finish this month too.For the rest of the finish along, I'm aiming yet again to make up my row along top (still untouched since last quarter)...It would be awesome if I could actually get a grip and finish Hello Chevron (half square triangles are SO BORING)...DSCF6077And finally I'm digging out my oldest WIP. My Punctuation sampler quilt. From 2011. I plan to gift it this Christmas hence the resurrection.DSCF6076Four goals is plenty I reckon.

she can quilt

I'm over here...


Thursday Progress