A small giveaway...

I've not done a giveaway for a while and as luck would have it, I got an extra copy of the issue of Popular Patchwork wot has my cushion in it in the post this week.DSCF5384So if anyone wants it, please leave a comment, just one please and I'll pick someone at midday GMT on Monday.DSCF5369In other news I added the scissor zigzag, seam ripper and spools to Janine's Free Two Bee top but I must confess, my Y seams are pretty atrocious and I'm kicking myself about sending it on. Turns out the bit that holds my presser foot has been working itself loose and with dire consequences, that and I'm not well versed in Y seams eitrher. SO sorry Janine- and Dena who has to put the next round on!




On track with another finish!