Crafting, but because I want to, not because I have to

Over the last few years I've tried a few crafts, enjoyed them and then they inevitably end up as an Etsy shop which then means making more than one of anything and getting stressy busy at holiday times throughout the year and burdened with obligations. This happened with my jewellery and my chocolates and I chose to stop both because they weren't fun anymore, I'm not cracked up to being a factory.I've been aware of the unnecessary pressure I put myself under for a while now and I think this is why patchwork has appealed so much over the last two years, it's slower paced, the possibilities are endless and allow you to be as creative as you want and there's a pretty slim chance you're going to make a decent profit on all that time and effort if you do eventually sell a square dance progressI've written blog posts and articles on craft business for magazines and online for about 4 years now and I've decided it's time to contradict myself. I would write about how to accurately markup your items for sale, wholesaling, how you can promote yourself and turn your hobby into an actual money maker. But you know what? I don't want that and it's taken going through the different stages of a business to realise it. Craft business isn't right for every craftsperson, some of us just need to be a closet artist. I want to make stuff for the sheer hell of it, to my taste not to other peoples' trends and for no other reason than I feel inspired and I've decided to make something. Now, I'm not discounting selling my patterns because I'm all for selling digital products as you can't accidentally sell it twice, one on Etsy and one on your own site and then panic make a replica late into the night. There's no neverending To Pack list in my inbox. And patterns don't have to be done by a certain time, I can just feel like writing one and upload it when it's ready or send it to a magazine. It's all on my terms.So I'm closing down my websites this month as the hosting is up for renewal. I'm keeping my Etsy shop for the piddly bits I like to make but have no real use for and I'm not going to get hung up if I don't sell anything for a year. If I don't list something on Etsy for a month or so, that's fine too because I'm not going to pressurise myself anymore. And that way I have more time to focus on what I want to do and craft to relax, rather than adding more stress to everyday life.I'm going to carry on blogging too because that's the one thing I've been able to stick with and quite enjoy, despite being useless at keeping a diary as a teenager.DSCF5298So just to encourage me not to spend the next few months solely watching DVD boxsets and painting my nails I have two goals this year. Just two for a whole year, with the exception of finishing up my bees and not joining so many this year. There's my Fryed Pixels quilt for the Quilt and Stitch Village which is nearly done as you know...DSCF5301DSCF5305...but also I am going to finish up my Wallander pattern with this stack of fabrics, figure out irregular half rectangle triangles once and for all, get it edited and also enter this in the Festival of Quilts as I plan to take my gran on a day trip there. Entering shows doesn't count as work, right?Who knows, with all this extra time and thinking space I might even get a roman blind made for the bathroom this year.




WIP Wednesday- I ♥ Quilting