Not a lot of sewing

When I went away I thought I'd get loads of hand sewing done. Erm, no. And my iron is on the blink getting ridiculously hot and burning everything so I won't photograph my progress until it is done and pressed nicely. This weekend I am back in action getting some bee blocks and stuff sewn, it feels like forever since I last did that!What I will do today though is show you all of the fabricy things that have come through my door over the last fortnight...SCRAPS!DSCF5219DSCF5220First off I got my two packs of scraps from the Swapbot Shift Your Scraps swap I hosted last month. Lots of good blenders, and one lady had inexplicably cut them all into 4" squares which she really didn't have to do but I appreciate the extra time she put in.DSCF5217I also got a scrap bag (as well as some wadding- not pictured) from Simply Solids- it is part Happy by Me and My Sister and part Bliss by Bonnie and Camille. I started a portable EPP cushion project using this and so far have only sewn 8 shapes together (told you I was too busy to sew).VINTAGE PURCHASES!DSCF5221Every year I go to London to work for a day and this day happened to be yesterday. It means I have a free late afternoon to mooch around the day before and I always choose to go to Brick Lane and visit a place imaginatively called The Shop. This is where I pick up fabric like the horses that backed Waiting Waxwings, I love a good repurposed and mismatched quilt back! My latest visit was no exception and despite the prices being a little higher than I remembered from last year, I got four big chunks of the stuff. They need washing (especially the yellow which appears to have a tea stain) but that will have to wait until the suitcase clothes are all done.DSCF5223Oh and I also got some linen tea towels, their tea towels are the best! I think I will make simple cushions out of these. I still have some from last time so it may become a batch job!NEW PURCHASES!DSCF5224I got my delivery of fabrics from Pink Castle placed the day before the US International shipping went up. A good excuse as any I reckon!Now I'm home and back to normality and blogging, I'll be back soon with a book review and maybe some animal photos taken at Riga Zoo...


Some animal photos

