Welcome to my room...

My sewing room is the front half of a converted garage which links through to our conservatory then the rest of the house. I've shown you features before like my red units found in an antiques shop (100 miles away in our hometown- which meant that OH had to go back for them stored in his mum's garage without me and the dog filling car space!) but I've got a few things that work really well for me in a craft specific way and I thought I'd share them!Ignore the skirting boards in the corner. That's probably never going to get done. The electric heater is essential for the forthcoming cold months. My clock is off the wall at the minute though because of this new arrival...This is my new design wall that I "acquired" yesterday. Essentially it's an old 1mx2m show graphic from work that was out of date so I half-inched it and squeezed it into my car when no one was looking) on display board that I parcel-taped really cheap felt to and leaned against the wall.It does the trick though, it means that I can put blocks on (it works a bit like fuzzy felt) move them around and view them against a clean background without interference from this ever-present jerk... :)Other stuff. I bought this spool holder on eBay and then put a small nail in the side to hang my scissors off and it's positioned right next to my machine so I don't have to get off my bum...

Also preventing me from actually using my feet is positioning my tabletop ironing board right next to the machine for maximum laziness. The iPhone dock is essential for playing radio through too- it's really hard to sew for more than 5 minutes without the radio on.I've also got a "book stand" on the wall above my machine so I can refer to a paper back and hold the pages open while I work. It's just a cheap Ikea spice rack but it does the job well. I waited for these to come back in stock for absolutely months! Get it quick if you want one, I think this cost me about £3.At the other side of the room now and I have an Ikea bookcase (one of the nicer ones rather than the really cheap Billy ones) and on there I keep my fabric that's a fat eighth size or bigger. It's stored pressed, folded and wrapped around comic boards then taped with some masking tape to keep from unravelling then ordered vaguely by colour. I keep other stuff on this bookcase too like wool, batting, etc.Also at this side are the red units that I showed you a few months ago now. Where I do my fabric cutting (unless it's big bits- I tend to do these on the floor). All my bits and bobs are kept in these and on these! I reuse syrup and condensed milk tins to keep pens and brushes, glue, stickers etc in. I've got a revolving spice rack that I keep miscellaneous knick knacks in from my resin casting days. I also have some coathangers hung on the wall to store my trims. I snipped the coathanger in the corner to thread the spools on and then bluetacked the opening shut so I can take them off again.And that's the tour!


Stick a bird on it?


Be proud!