Have you met Laura?

Over a year ago now, Laura decided to arrange a meet up for Folksy sellers in the local area and invited me along as we'd been to fairs and stuff together even though I wasn't active over there any more. What actually happened is Laura, Zara and I (who had met before at various craft fairs) ended up meeting up regularly, first for dinner and now it's turned into a Bingo ritual.Months ago now we were talking about my blog and I said to Laura that I would write a post about her and only now am I getting round to that, sorry Laura! So this is my first of a two part installment about my friends online who became offline friends and who make lovely things. Come back tomorrow to look at Zara's lovely wares!Laura makes jewellery under the name Laura's Jewellery and has done for at least four years now, possibly longer I haven't asked, but I know she was opposite me at my very first craft fair (blogged about in 2008!). It was a rubbish fair, we shall say no more and just show some pretty things. Honestly I've no idea how she does these but aren't they great?

She has some fab butterflies in this style too, however my dislike of insects with wings (phobia?) dictates them inappropriate for showing here...

And this is my personal favourite item in the whole shop...She is an active member of the Craft Britannia team on Etsy. her Etsy shop is HERE so make sure you go bookmark it.She's also on Twitter.And Pinterest.Oh and Facebook- go there too!And her dog Ellie is from the same place we got Penny, so obviously being a dog lover I had to include a picture of her sweet Alsatian/Husky face! Look at those huge ears!


Have you met Zara?

