Phone case crazy

After my tutorial yesterday on how to make these, I have made quite a few more phone cases (until I ran out of decent wadding scraps) working with stuff I've rooted out of my scraps drawer. Basically it was a diversion from patching together the world's most boring pattern curtains. I have done nearly a whole curtain of two though so I might be able to show you some actual progress later this week.I'm adding these to my Etsy shop as and when the mood takes me this week, some are there already.And then I made this one, sewed the pocket on the wrong way round and put the button on back to front. Oops. Hopefully someone will love it if I price it as seconds :)Next I want to make some more cushions because I sold my badger one about a fortnight ago and think the soft furnishing section of my shop looks a bit sorry for itself!


WIP Wednesday - Curtains.... or not?


Tutorial: Easy Peasy iPhone Pouch