Festival of Quilts 2012 piccys!

This is a very image heavy post- just so you know ;) You might want to get a cup of tea before you continue... I hope you enjoy it, it's taken well over an hour to put together!Today I was up stupid early (before dawn during summer) to work on a little agency merchandising job to bring in some more cash. Then it was straight to pick up my friend Gina and onwards to the Festival of Quilts! I got home for 5pm and had a soak in the bath for half an hour with some magazines and I'm back after a lazy KFC dinner! I have about 50 more chocolates to make for my fair on Saturday and  a further 160 to put finishing touches to as well so I think I will finish putting faces on the trufflepiglets whilst sitting in a chair this evening and stress about the rest tomorrow!Anyway you came for the pictures. There were lots of beautiful quilts that caught my eye and I also took some close-up details for reference later. Here are some of the non-blurry photos- there were SO many people about it was near impossible to get good pictures at times. If anyone gets a picture of the first prize winning mini quilt over the rest of the show please let me know!And here are some I recognised from the Internet!This one is by Lu Summers...This one is by Dvine...And this one is by Jo on Flickr...And this Made in Cherry quilt is by Trudi...And of course there's the obligatory picture of me with mine. It's blurry and I look a but dumpy but oh well. Someone did say "Doggies, how cute" and it wasn't the worst quilt there so that's pretty good for my first entry! I would have stood next to it seeing what people said for a while if my feet weren't killing me!This is the one that won the category I entered. Fair enough!OK I know you want to see my haul too... This one is of the cutting mat I needed. A2 size and £12 which is bargainous from Creative Grids. I got "free" magazines too- I subscribed to Popular Patchwork which starts next month and I got this copy on the stand. Modern Quilting I picked up because it was out before my subscription but I have a feeling I will still get this issue in the post anyway. I thought I had better have it since my copies have a habit of not finding their way to me in the post. I also got some template plastic. Oh and Fletcher is picture bombing.Yeah you want to see the fabric don't you?! I got several metres of solids from Doughty's and some Flea Market Fancy, the jelly roll was from Gina- I got a free Cabbages and Roses one with my Popular Patchwork subscription and so we swapped as I really wanted Tradewinds. I got a stack of Fat Quarters from Backstitch with my 10% off voucher for using at the show (the two on the left aren't for me, they're going to a FQ swap) and some awesome bear fabric which will be made into a certain something for a certain someone who I know checks by my blog so I shall say no more ;)THEN when I got home my stack of fabrics from the Fat Quarter Shop had arrived that I bought with my $25 gift voucher I won on Svetlana's blog... YEY!Let me know if you go too, I'd love to see your favourite quilts!


Free Motion Quilting - Day 1


Some new drawings