Bundles and WIPs

Only three weeks to go 'til the Festival of Quilts! When I go I know I'm definitely going to subscribe to Popular Patchwork and I need to get a new cutting mat that is at least 16" on the shortest side as my mat won't even fit my 12" squaring up ruler which is quite annoying! It's cut to shreds anyway- I've definitely had a good two years wear out of the current one.Anyway, depending on how much I end up spending, I would like to buy one of these bundles this month, either at the show or at Fat Quarter Shop if they are nowhere to be seen/too expensive. Check these beauties out...Birds and Berries by Lauren and Jessi Jung...Polka Dot Stitches by Lori Holt...And my absolute favourite- Heaven and Helsinki by Patty Young.

***WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedFor WIP Wednesday (yes I'm joining in this time!) I'm working on my mini quilt for the Brit Quilt Swap. I've actually done a little more on it this morning-it's now over 1/4 done! It's a nice project because I can just sew four pieces together and trim and leave it until I have time to sew another four pieces together. It's quicker and easier than it looks too. Some of my points aren't exactly matching but it's quite a forgiving design and you can't tell too much. I hope my swap partner will like it when it's all done. I have a few more weeks yet thankfully.

I'm also working on my Salt Air quilt, but with no pictures, sorry! It's actually not going to be a quilt now- I'm going to measure up the window in my craft room and make it into long-awaited curtains! Who knows, I may even get the skirting boards painted in the warm weather and get them on the walls too- wonders never cease!I'm also making it a mission to add at least one item to one of my Etsy shops every day until the end of August, whether it's Trufflepiglet, the patterns shop or my general shop. I added two yesterday and I plan to do the same today. Who's with me?


Shameless Self Promotion


Bird cutting die giveaway!