Honey, I'm home!

I'm back from Northumberland (and a little drive in Scotland) and we were very lucky with the weather... I'm not going to bore you with holiday stuff but here some photos I took, mostly of puffins because I find wildlife more interesting than scenics (or indeed pictures of me)...

I got mildly sunburnt on Inner Farne- yes really!Here's one of OH getting mobbed by Arctic Terns...I also have what is collectively known as a crapload of seaglass from Lindisfarne. We even found an intact medicine bottle, those lovely little rectangular green ones. I'm cleaning some up at the minute as I will be using some to make jewellery myself (eventually) and selling some on Etsy later this week. if you're in the market for clear, green or brown seaglass, plain or textured or with words on, big or small pieces I pretty much have it all so let me know and I can reserve some for you.Whilst I have my salesman visor on, you might want to know that my AEG 680 sewing machine is up on eBay for the next few days, ending 13th July. It comes with additional 1/4 inch foot and darning/ free motion foot and loads of bobbins and spare feet extra too.Reason being is because I now have thiiiissss...It's taking a bit of effort to get to grips with the free motion mode as the foot has to be in a weird half-up-half-down position which it moves out of every time I change the bobbin or indeed readjust my work. And then it loops like billy-o on the back and then I get a bit mad with it. But I'm getting there.Straight stitching is an absolute dream. The needle down function works better than my other machine and the built in walking foot is a new experience that I am liking a lot. Here's what I did this morning- I have a long way to go and this needs finishing completely this week. Eek!In other news I received this new bundle of Nel Whatmore fabrics from Free Spirit for the Fat Quarterly challenge which was one of the things that was a secret but I think I can tell you now. This is Katharine's Wheel and I need to come up with some kind of swirly block- after I finish this and the dog quilt of course!Aren't they lovely? I hear they will be available from The Cotton Patch imminently- at the time of writing they had Happy Go Lucky and Sleeping Beauty but not this range yet. 


Finish-a-long - third quarter


And the winner is...