My beautiful Mouthy Stitches pouch!

Since Jen posted this on the Flickr group pool I had an inkling it was for me. There have been another couple of hedgehoggy themed pouches, but I just had a feeling! I also really really wanted it to be mine, and it is, hurrah!It's double sided so we have a hedgehog on one side...And a fox on the other- and it's got a lovely hedgehog lining and I got some AWESOME scraps. Sullivan- who knows a lot about pouches as he has four of his own that he sleeps in (without zips)- approves (of the hedgehog side anyway)! I think he might be slightly boss-eyed... or maybe that's normal for the morning? He prompty fell asleep in his toilet after this photo so I think he's possibly slightly special.I love it, thanks so much Jen! :D I feel inspired to try a bit of paper piecing again (lord knows last time didn't go that well)- and Jen has been kind enough to send me some good starting points via Flickr mail. How kind is she?!


Back off holiday!


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